American Legion Post 379

1245 N Industrial Blvd.,
Bedford, TX 76021

The American Legion Family image

American Legion Post 379
1245 N Industrial Blvd
Bedford, Texas 76021

Canteen: 817.267.6047
Office/Fax: 817.545.0818

Facebook: groups/hebtxpost379
Instagram: hebtxpost379


February 2025


Happy February 379 Family,

Few important dates:
February 6 – AL Board Meeting at 6PM
February 6 – AL Membership Meeting at 7PM

February 9 – Super Bowl Sunday!! Game starts at 5:30 pm EST. Join us for a fun-filled day.

February 14 – It’s a Friday!

We have a new Scout Pack!! They will be meeting on the 2nd Monday of the month! Very exciting to see Troop 379 growing. We are asking for donations to assist underprivileged kids to join. See the jar on the Canteen.

Have you renewed yet? Please do so as soon as possible. For your convenience, you can renew at the Canteen.

Reminder: No renewal, No New Red Key Card!

Humbly in your service, not self

Rich Wiltshire
Post 379 Commander


Hopefully, we have been through the hardest days of winter and be able to have days of sunshine and warmer temperatures. Winter months can play tricks on your actual thinking and become depressive for some folks. Many will stay inside and spend lonely days by themselves. Please remember to reach out to your friends, relatives and neighbors by giving them a call. If you can travel, pay them a short visit or drop off some warm soup or their favorite takeout. Play cards, a board game with the kids or have a dance party, dressing up in silly clothes to help get rid of the extra energy they may have.

Please SAVE THE DATE:  Saturday, April 12 “Spring Fling” final push for Cancer Research Goal. We are so close to the $20,000 goal for our 20th year of fundraising to something that everyone has been affected by one way or another. We will have stuffed Easter Eggs, Live Auction of items such as a new self-propelled lawn mower, grill, filled ice chest, yard equipment. A select number of baskets will be available also. MORE INFO TO FOLLOW.

We request any help with candy, drink chips, dollar bills and small items that will fit inside plastic eggs of all sizes, large and larger. A limited amount of kids’ eggs will also be available for our younger ones that visit our Post. A box will be available soon for collection of items. Please put any money or drink chips in a marked envelope for Cancer and leave with the bartender. Sharon Nesteriak and I will be collecting.

GIRLS STATE:  Please keep an eye out for raffle tickets to be sold for a NEW large screen TV. Faye Chambers is handling Girls State this year and is excited about the interest already shown by upcoming candidates seeking information to apply for a spot. This is a great program, and help is needed to raise funds for this year’s candidates. Donations are appreciated. Each girl costs $475 plus transportation, averaging $600 per spot. Please consider sponsoring any amount you can. If you know of a business that might be interested, please reach out to Faye or myself for more information. Judy Davidson is available to forward any info to Faye, if she isn’t traveling. She’s turned over Girls State to capable hands to pursue her interest in traveling with friends in a well-deserved treat. Judy has spent many years building this endeavor and has many memories to hold close to heart. Faye has more ideas, and the hope is continuing a “PAY IT FORWARD” program started last year where the girls did their own fundraising to help start the next years team with money already in their budget. Thanks ladies!!

Remember, the Post entities are working hard to provide meals on Friday and Saturday nights throughout the month. Your support is noticed and appreciated. Please reach out to them if you are interested in helping. Also, seeing the weekend evenings filled with good food and live entertainment is truly a grand thing to see. The smiling faces, good conversation and the atmosphere of being a great Post is noticed and felt by the increase in new members seen in the past several months. There’s a spot for everyone; remember to introduce yourself and welcome visitors and new members. It can be difficult for some folks to come in and not know anyone, so be the one to welcome them and introduce them around. Karaoke attendance continues to be built on Wednesday nights with several new members. Different members have been cooking dinner for the evening which helps raise money for our programs and awareness. Thanks for your support.

Prayers for our deployed veterans and their families. Prayers for quick healing for our sick and weary from illness or accidents. May we work together to help those in need and not be judgmental of one another. Let 2025 bring harmony amongst us and strive for better help for our veterans and civilians struggling with PTSD, loneliness and broken spirits. Thursday, February 20th 6:00 pm Executive Board Meeting followed by the General Membership Meeting at 7pm.

In Service Not Self

Sheryl Frydenberg – Unit President


Greetings Post!

Brrrrr! Not exactly motorcycle weather. Not to mention the snow ruined our Friday Chicken Fried Steak night last month and postponed our 1st Div Riders Planning meeting. But one decent afternoon saw our brothers and sisters from Coricanna Post 22 come steal our plaque again, hitting three other Posts along the way. So, that will be our next ride.

The 1st Division Planning Committee meeting was moved to Saturday the 1st at Post 624 Mansfield, coordinating our events with the rest of North Texas Riders chapters.

Our Riders Cook first cook is February 14th, Valentines Day with Chicken Fried Steaks, and then Saturday, February 15th, with Burgers and Dogs. Our next Riders Meeting is Sunday, the 16th at 4:00 PM.

As always, we are grateful for all the support and love you show us.

“PD” Hill – 379 Riders


This month we will be serving our Fish Fry on Friday 02/07 followed by a Chicken dinner on the 8th.

Our next meeting will be on Thursday 02/13 at 7pm.

Ben Apodaca – SAL Commander


Hello Brothers and Sisters.

Hard to believe it is already February. Hoping that everyone has survived our cold snaps and winter weather so far. We never know what it will be from week to week.

Good news is no one is on sick call board. But as usual we all know someone that needs a prayer. Please pray for them and anyone that is ill.

February is President’s month. Here is a prayer.

Heavenly Father, as we gather during this month honoring our nation’s presidents, we give thanks for this great country and for the many freedoms afforded to us under her flag. We are mindful of the many men and women who gave their all to preserve these freedoms. May their souls rest in peace. For those suffering the ravages of wars in hospitals and homes, we ask a special blessing. And, dear Lord, for the good of us all, we reverantly ask that God bless America. Amen

Jon Christensen – Vice Chaplain Post 379