American Legion Post 379
1245 N Industrial Blvd
Bedford, Texas 76021
Canteen: 817.267.6047
Office/Fax: 817.545.0818
Facebook: groups/hebtxpost379
Instagram: hebtxpost379
January 2025
Happy New Year 379 Family,
Few important dates:
January 2 – AL Board Meeting at 6PM
January 2 – AL Membership Meeting at 7PM – Elections for First Vice Commander
Have you renewed yet? Please do so as soon as possible. For your convenience, you can renew at the Canteen.
We will be changing the door cards for the front and patio doors. The purple cards will no longer work after January 1, 2025. In order get the new color door card, you will have to renew. If you have already renewed, we will have one set aside for you.
We will have a person from each family to verify you have renewed and will be given a new RED door card.
Sometimes we get so caught up on our Post we may lose track of why we exist.
Case in point: We had a young Marine come in who needed assistance getting home to Washington State. Our amazing Service Officer, Lauren Kelly, with the assistance of our incredible Bar Staff, passed around a donation jar to the members present. Our Family raised $820!!
I am very proud of our membership. Thank you for all your support of our Veterans!
Thank you all for making 2024 such a fantastic year Post 379!!
Humbly in your service, not self
Rich Wiltshire
Post 379 Commander
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! As we remember many successful events accomplished in 2024 may Post 379 remain strong helping in community awareness and the needs of both young and old. May we continue working together and be even more aware and helpful giving support to our veterans and their families through our programs.
It’s not too late to renew your 2025 membership. The canteen staff will be checking for current memberships and upon confirmation will be handing out new door access cards. They will be happy to help with your renewal as in the past. You can also go online and pay for your membership. Jodie has been working diligently to process both renewals and new members. Check your mailbox or with the bartender for your new membership card. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your status, receiving your new card, etc., please reach out to Jodie Chapman, our membership chair, or myself. Seniors $45 / Jrs. $0.
Auxiliary meetings will resume Thursday, January 16th; the Executive Board meeting at 6pm and the General Membership meeting at 7pm.
May we be more caring, giving and respectful of each other throughout the New Year.
In Service Not Self
Sheryl Frydenberg – Unit President
Greetings Post!
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a great holiday season with plenty of family and friends. We sure did at the Post!
Thanks to your generosity, the Riders helped the Auxiliary collect and load 3,600 toys for the Marine Toys for Tots campaign. We then loaded up another 400 or so toys received after the collection pick-up date, and brought them down to the Fort Worth collection point. A new record, 4,000 toys and $1,200 in cash – Great Job Auxiliary!
Your Legion Riders participated in this year’s Wreaths Across America on December 14th . Riders sponsored 30 wreaths and placed wreaths at the DFW National Cemetery and Blum Cemetery, Blum, TX. Wreath Pick Up day is 11 January, and Riders will be participating then as well.
Just in time for Christmas, the Riders held a gun raffle, and again thanks to the generosity of Post 379, sold 100 tickets in just two weeks. The winner was Rider’s own Chris “Grumpy” Martin. Proceeds will be going to Riders Charites, currently the Liberty House of Fort Worth, supporting homeless vets of Tarrant County.
At our last meeting, the Riders decided to change our meeting dates to the Second Sunday of the month to coincide with our cook weekend. So, our next Riders meeting is set for Sunday, January 12th.
Our Riders Cook weekend is Friday, January 10th, for Chicken Fried Steaks, and Saturday, the 11th, for Burgers & Dogs. We will also be participating in the 1st Division Planning Committee meeting at Post 624 Mansfield on January 11th, coordinating our events with the rest of North Texas Riders chapters.
As always, we are grateful for all the support and love you show us.
“PD” Hill – 379 Riders
This month, we will be serving our Fish Fry on Friday, 01/03, and Chicken Parm on 01/04. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 01/09 at 7 pm.
Ben Apodaca – SAL Commander
Hello Brothers and Sisters.
I truly hope everyone had a Merry Christmas spent with friends and family. Another fantastic year at Post 379. The things we accomplish is amazing.
For the sick call:
Roland Frech passed away. Godspeed Master Gunny. Details to follow when known.
I would like to wish everyone a very prosperous and healthy new year. Hard to believe it’s already 2025.
As the old year comes to an end, let us ponder what it held for us. Let us be thankful for the rich experiences it gave us–for every sympathetic smile, for every tear, for moments which brought laughter’s melody, for nature’s loveliness, and for friendships beauty. Let us also ask forgiveness for thoughts and deeds unwise. As we stand on the threshold of a New Year, Let us be thankful for the opportunity to stand and peer intently, eagerly, beyond the door to so many challenges that lie ahead. May we have the courage, truth, and faith to meet them without flinching and thought of self. Amen